
Drugs are one of the greatest innovations of the modern era. When used appropriately and knowledgeably, they can improve and save lives. Yet we all recognize how easily they can be misused and misapplied. 这就是正规赌博十大网站用武之地. 通过研究药物的益处和风险, you can support the wellbeing of your entire community. 你准备好接受挑战了吗?

Credits 120

All courses offered face-to-face on 安阿伯's campus.





Concordia University Wisconsin’s School of Pharmacy and the School of Arts & 科学已经合作提供了一个 3+4双学位课程. 在3+4双学位课程, students spend three years at CUAA as an undergraduate student taking classes towards a BSPS, while fulfilling the pre-pharmacy course requirements for CUW’s Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. Upon admission into the PharmD program at CUW, students begin the four-year PharmD program. 学生 use courses taken during their PharmD program to fulfill BSPS degree requirements. 在3+4双学位课程, students earn a bachelor’s degree at the end of the first year in the Doctor of Pharmacy program, with the PharmD degree awarded at the end of the four-year PharmD program.

The 3+4 program is a great option high school students should consider when applying to colleges. It is also a great option for Concordia freshman or sophomores to explore. 在肯考迪娅, you can work on your undergradate degree while also working toward a quick pathway to earning your Doctor of Pharmacy Degree.

值得注意的是,如果你是 not 被药学博士项目录取, you will be on track to earn a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences after four years of undergraduate coursework. 学生 are 接受药学博士课程(和), thus, earn their bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical sciences), may not double-major in biomedical sciences due to the substantial content overlap between these two programs.

Pharmacy Early Assurance Program for 高中生

High school seniors who meet the academic requirements and are confident that they want to be pharmacists should consider our Early Assurance Program. 早期保险, high school students indicate their interest in the CUW School of Pharmacy on their applications and are invited to apply to the program. Any students who progress along the program and meet the requirements do not have to re-interview for Concordia's School of Pharmacy and do not have to take the PCAT exam. 本质上, they have early assurance they will be admitted to the School of Pharmacy to earn their PharmD. 了解更多有关 这里有早期的保证计划


药剂学需要广泛的科学知识, thus our pharmeceutical sciences program is very rigorous. 把药剂师作为正规赌博十大网站终极目标, you strive to be the expert in the biochemistry of the body, 病理条件的影响, and the interaction with the pharmaceutical agents prescribed.

  • 安阿伯

