Where technology meets leadership

随着科技行业的不断发展,企业越来越多地围绕着信息系统, there is a need for professionals who not only have technical skills, but also business expertise. 拥有管理信息系统的MBA学位,这个人可能就是你. 我们的课程是为那些希望领导IT部门的人设计的, not for those looking for a technical degree. 如果你想准备好进入IT领域的管理角色, this is the right place for you.

Credits 36
Cost Per Credit $699


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Program Overview

随着科技行业的不断发展,企业越来越多地围绕着信息系统, there is a need for professionals who not only have technical skills, but also business acumen. 康考迪亚大学管理信息系统在线MBA课程将为您提供管理复杂数据库所需的技能, navigate industry-standard support systems and, ultimately, manage your own IT department. This online MBA degree is earned from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Graduate Certificate

学士学位后的学生可以通过在一个MBA集中领域或MBA核心中选择四门课程来获得研究生证书,总共12个学分. 学生可以随时通过标准申请程序过渡到MBA学位课程的学习.

What to Expect

管理信息系统硕士学位将为您提供深入的数据库建模知识, design and implementation. 通过使用Oracle Application Express工具和SQL创建物理数据库,您将获得实现数据库设计的经验,并为参加Oracle database SQL Expert考试做好准备. 您还将从经验丰富的教授那里学习,他们将帮助您了解数据挖掘等主题的决策支持系统(DSS), data warehousing architectures, expert systems, artificial intelligence systems, and executive information systems.

With an MBA in management information systems, 你将拥有在IT领域领导不同群体所需的技能和知识. 您将能够分析复杂的业务场景并创建数据模型. 您还将了解如何在公司内设计和实施项目,并应用从研究成熟的管理工具和技术中获得的见解. Not only will you be prepared to manage IT departments, you’ll come out of the program with increased financial competence, innovative business skills, 以及更清晰简洁地传达信息的能力. 你甚至可以把正规赌博十大网站工作作品集展示给潜在的雇主,这样你就能从其他候选人中脱颖而出.

Our MBA program is designed for working professionals, 这意味着你可以在全职工作的同时在两年内拿到学位. Whatever your schedule looks like, 我们的专家团队将与您合作,让您可以开始为您的员工提供优质的服务, in-demand skills.

Hear from our students

  • This program has improved my analytical skills, opened my eyes, 为我提供了在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中茁壮成长所需的工具. Through my rigorous coursework, group projects, and engaging talks with business professionals, I have gained extensive knowledge about strategic decision-making, effective leadership, and sustainable company practices.

    Fahad Syed / Current Student, MBA Management Information Systems
  • Online
  • Virtual

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